It is a realistic portrayal of a poor samurai called seibei hiroyuki sanada 究其原因,还不是因为一个情字。
It is a realistic portrayal of a poor samurai called seibei ( hiroyuki sanada ) 究其原因,还不是因为一个情字。
Excellent actings from hiroyuki sanada and rie miyazawa enhance the dramatic quality of the film a lot 真田广之凭井口清兵卫一角勇夺各大日本电影颁奖礼影帝宝座,绝对实至名归。
Excellent actings from hiroyuki sanada and rie miyazawa enhance the dramatic quality of the film a lot 真田广之凭井口清兵卫一角勇夺各大日本电影颁奖礼影帝宝座,绝对实至名归。
It is a realistic portrayal of a poor samurai called seibei hiroyuki sanada . seibei s wife has passed away at early age of their marriage and he has to take her part . he sacrifices all his leisure time to take care of his two daughters and his senile mother 此片故事非常直接真实,早年丧妻的清兵卫真田广之是一个人工低微的武士,几近无欲无求,下班后例必回家照顾年老失忆的母亲和两个小女儿。